Tuesday, 24 September 2013

The wonderful world of Richard Scarry

If you were a child in the 60s, 70s, 80s and beyond, the chances are you are familiar with Richard Scarry and his fantastically illustrated children's books.  I loved his books as a child so when I received an email from Harper Collins offering two of this books for review, I nearly broke my phone trying to reply to the email with a huge YES PLEASE!

I love his illustrations so much that, to me, his books are artwork.  They are so evocative of a simpler time and filled with so many happy memories for me.  I remember pouring over his books as a child, always finding something new in the illustrations.  They are so detailed and there are so many funny little things to spot.  Silly things to make a child laugh, like a corn car, funny everyday details such as someone pushing a pram, or brushing their teeth.

We were lucky to be given two books that have been released to celebrate 50 years of Richard Scarry (can you believe it?!).  The first is the Best Word Book Ever.  This book is packed, and I do mean packed with words and illustrations to amuse you and your children for hours.  What I like about Richard Scarry books is that you can leave them lying around for your child to dip into whenever they want.  They aren't "story" books, they are the kind of book you can pick up and look at for a few minutes.  Ethan often chooses to have a look when he has a few minutes before school, or if I'm getting us ready to go out.  He'll have a look at a few pages.

Ethan is at the stage where he's starting to pick words out.  He's able to pick out his name, surname and a few simple words like The, It, And.  These books are great for helping with reading - most objects in the book have their word written next to them.  Obviously, Ethan can recognise a car, but he can't yet read the word.  Having the word car next to the object will help him to recognise the two together, I'm sure.

The second book we received is the Biggest Word Book Ever!  This book isn't joking.  It is huge.  Again, we are really enjoying it.  This is a piece of art, there's no doubt.  Whatever room you place it in, it's a statement!  At the moment, because we've only just got it, it's in our living room.  I will move it up to Ethan's room eventually and I know it'll look so cool in there!!  It's the kind of thing every child would want in a playroom.  It looks fantastic when it's not in use, but it's big, fun and easy for a child to use by themselves.

Rather like the other book, this is something you can dip in and out of time and time again.  Ethan and I love laying this book on the floor and looking at it together, pointing different things out.  It's a great activity for us together but also something Ethan will enjoy on his own.

Felix is also attracted to this book due to the size and bright colours.  It's just so much fun!

We really are Richard Scarry lovers in this household!!

**These books were provided for us in exchange for review but all views expressed are genuine and my own**

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