Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Buy my boy's clothes!

If you read my blog the chances are that you've twigged that my boys have a lot of clothes.  When Ethan grows out of clothes I generally save them for Felix to grow into (always nice to see something worn again!) but when Felix grows out of clothes I have to make a hard decision.  Do I hold onto them as a keepsake or, as I like to tell myself, future grandchildren (yes, I do fold items up, sniff them, kiss them and say "see you again on the Grandkids - I hope!").  I try to be hard and either pass on, giveaway or sell on most of his clothes though.

Like many people I use eBay to sell on a lot of old clothing but there are some more special, nicer or rarer items that I try selling in other ways.  I'm currently uploading quite a bit on a second Instagram account I have, @booandbo which I created just as a platform for selling on old clothes.  It hasn't been wildly successful though so I thought I'd mention it on here.

You can check it out here or click on the tab above (under my image header there's a tab called "Buy Our Clothes On Instagram").  Prices are quite low and include UK postage.  All you do is comment with your paypal address (or you can comment with 'me please' and DM me your paypal address).  Once I have your paypal address I'll invoice you. Easy!

Go have a look!


  1. Al - The Dad Network20 May 2015 at 12:58

    Good idea, is it successful? We write a weekly fashion feature called Ted's Threads but like you say we will be keeping his for our next one. (hopes beyond hope)Thank you for linking up to #bigfatlinky

  2. Well.. Some things are selling! It saves eBay fees at least! Thanks for hosting!

  3. Al - The Dad Network20 May 2015 at 13:11

    Absolutely :) Good luck with it :)


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