Friday, 1 May 2015

Oust your house!

I love a clean tidy house.  Most people know that about me.  It's no secret.  I've written about it here before.  On top of liking a clean house, we live in a hard water area.  Anyone living in a hard water area knows that means one thing - limescale!

Anything in our house that has regular contact with water has a limescale issue.  Taps, the loo, the kettle.  Even toys the boys play with in the bath and the draining rack in the kitchen.  Limescale, the cheeky thing, builds up on everything.  So, when a huge bundle of Oust products arrived in the mail I was very happy.  Something that would come in very handy and be satisfying to use!

I have to descale our kettle very often, I would say every 2-4 weeks.  Most often I use white vinegar to do the job because it works and it reduces the amount of chemicals being used.  However, I do have to use something a bit stronger from time to time because the vinegar, whilst it does work, doesn't seem to do quite as good a job.  Personally, I've always used Oust for the kettle.  In the package we received there was a kettle descaler sachet included except it was a little different to the one I'd used before.  Usually I use one which is in a plastic sachet you have to cut open and poor in.  Oust have got a bit clever here though and come up with a nifty little bag that can be placed straight into your kettle and disposed of afterwards.  Very handy and means it's less likely you'll come into contact or get chemicals on your hands.

I found it worked very well.  I just followed the instructions on the box (fill your kettle half full, boil, place in the sachet and leave for a while).  You just have to look at the pictures to see it did the job!

Oust Your House Oust Descaler

Oust also sent me some other limescale removing products including one for dishwashers and washing machines.  I've never used anything on either of those before so I was happy to give them a go.  I have to say that using limescale removed on the dishwasher and washing machine doesn't really give you results you can see but knowing how well it works on my kettle and knowing how hard the water is where we live I can be sure that it's been beneficial to use!

Oust Your House Oust Descaler

All of the Oust products are easy to use with clear instructions.  I'm not just saying that, look at my gleaming kettle!

**The products were very kindly provided by Oust but all opinions are genuine and my own**

1 comment:

  1. I was hugely impressed with the OUST products - there's certainly no limescale in my house now!

    Thanks for linking up with #TriedTested this week x


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