Saturday, 1 September 2012

Framing your face - all about glasses!

If you are a regular at my blog, I'm sure you've noticed I wear glasses..

I was 7 when I discovered I needed glasses.  I was at a Brownie meeting, we were practising singing (for a carol service) and were using a projector to read the songs from.  I was sat next to my Mum (Brown Owl) and remember telling her I couldn't read all of the words being projected.  She was a bit sceptical because my best friend had just started wearing glasses, she thought I probably just wanted to be the same, but to be on the safe side, she took me to the opticians, and low and behold, they told us I was short sighted.  That's the start of my tale.  Every year my eyes got worse.  I've gone through so many pairs of glasses, I doubt I can even tell you how many, let alone remember what they were all like!! I know when I started wearing them in the late '80s the only things available (and affordable!) where the totally un-stylish, NHS style specs.  Not a good look.  I am so thankful these days for the range available, eyeglasses are so much more affordable these days.

I recently bought a new pair of glasses. I bought them through my local opticians, they offer me reduced glasses because I get contact lenses with them, but my husband and I have both bought glasses online before and have always been very happy with the service, price and range. is one such site.  They have an amazing range of eyeglasses frames and have a very handy virtual mirror tool which is great for helping you choose frames.  I had a go with their virtual mirror and I have to say it was really easy to use and it was good fun!! I can say hand on heart, that if I were buying a new pair of glasses, I would try this site out and would feel like I'd tried them on beforehand.

I know..I look a bit of a twit! Go on, laugh!

Anyway, if you are looking for a new pair of glasses, GlassesUSA are offering my readers 15% off your entire order & free shipping (orders over $50) using the code FS15 or 10% off any order of prescription glasses with the code Blog10.

***This is a sponsored post but all views/opinions are my own, hand on heart***


  1. I LOV big nerdy or eccentric glasses. The more out there, the better as far as I'm concerned! LOVE the big orange frames!


    -Daisy Nguyen from PS BANANAS fashion blog:

  2. I love big fun and vintage looking glasses too! I need to order some new fun ones...i love how you can try them on online


    1. I know, it's great, isn't it! Makes getting new glasses so much easier.. x


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