Thursday, 28 June 2012

Ethan's books of the month; June 2012

There are two books that are in constant demand at bedtime and beyond at the moment.  They Hueys - The New Jumper by Oliver Jeffers and The Somethingosaur by Tony Mitton.

The New Jumper
Image source:Harper Collins

As soon as I learned Oliver Jeffers had a new book coming out I was excited.  We are huge Jeffers fans in this household.  Ethan adores "The Boy" and his adventures in space and with his penguin friend.  It's lovely to see Oliver Jeffers has new characters for us to get to know.

Ethan doesn't need to be told that this book is by his favourite author, his illustration style is so recognisable.  Straight away this draws Ethan in, even if he doesn't yet know the characters.

They Hueys - The New Jumper is a simple story.  Easy to follow with the addition of the simple yet expressive illustrations.  It's a theme we're familiar with as adults - the desire to follow the crowd yet remain individual.  A lovely way to introduce this concept to young children.  Different is good.  A reassuring hug of a book.

This book has Ethan giggling away.  He asks for it all the time.  Well done Mr Jeffers!

The Somethingosaur
Image source:Harper Collins

The Somethingosaur is by Tony Mitton, an author we're not familiar with.  I loved reading this book to Ethan for the first time, it surprised even me.  This story is adorable and the illustrations will appeal to adults and children alike.  So important I feel, after all, often we are the ones choosing books for our children in the first place!

I won't spoil the story for you by telling you what happens.  The Somethingosaur is a little creature who hatches out and finds himself all alone.  He sets off on a journey to find his mother.  I lovely way to teach children about the worth of a journey, of putting effort in and reaping the rewards at the end.  A message we could all learn from I think in our fast paced material society!

Again, Ethan enjoys this book, asks for it frequently and talks about it which shows it's struck a chord with him!

Both of these books are published by Harper Collins with a RRP of £10.99.  We were very kindly provided with copies for review by Harper Collins.  We have not been paid and the views and opinions expressed are all our own.


  1. These books look cute! We'll have to check them out!

    1. They really are - you must!1 Just finished reading The Somethingosaur to Ethan again at bedtime and it's so lovely. A fab way to end the day :)


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