Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Trendy Toddler Tuesday - GAP

Before I had Ethan, I never ventured into a GAP store.  Actually, I've just remembered, that's not quite true.  Whilst I was pregnant I went in to the Oxford Street branch looking for maternity wear.  None of it fitted me well though... Booo.  That was my only experience of GAP until after I had him and I discovered their gorgeous children's skinny fit PJs and their barginous graphic print tees.

A few months back I popped into the Bristol branch of GAP Kids just because I was passing and then got stupidly excited because all their graphic tees were £5.  In my opinion that's a great price - their tops are excellent quality.  I tried to remain calm and decided I would choose two tops for Ethan.  Today I'm going to feature one of them because (as Ethan's grown) it's had it's first outing!

Unfortunately, I don't have a perfect shot of the image on the top, but it's a chopper bike.  Quite poignant really because the inventor of the chopper, Alan Oakley, died only recently.  So, a dedication to him for such an iconic bike!

Top - GAP Kids
Shorts - Faith B.C. (via TK Maxx)
Crocs - eBay

Naturally this is being linked up with Maria for Trendy Toddler Tuesday.  Do go and see who else has linked up, or link up yourself if you've a trendy toddler in your life!


  1. Lovely colour! We're Gap fans here too - I had to drag myself out the other week...

    1. I know.. the prices are so good, it's hard to control yourself!

  2. Gorgeous top, have never considered gap for baby clothes before!

  3. I love Ethans Top as my boys love Bicycles, My Josepg would love this top.
    I buy clothes for the baby from Gap especially his vests and all in ones and they do fab sales too x

    1. Yes, I agree, their sales are great. Their vests and pjs are all so cute. I don't know if they still have this top in stock, it's not on their website, but I only bought it a few months ago, 2 or 3 months ago at the most! x


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