Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Trendy Toddler Tuesday - Scandi as usual...

Whoop Whoop! It's Trendy Toddler time!  As Ethan has taken to saying "you look soooo gorgeous today!"

I've not taken too many photos of Ethan over the last week so at first I didn't think I'd have much to write about for TTT, but he did wear a lovely new top on Sunday, one I've been excited about him wearing since I bought it ages ago.  As with many of Ethan's clothes, it's another Scandinavian brand, Dunns.  They have gorgeous prints.  Do any of you have a kindle?  This particular one reminds me of the fish lock screen on it.. let me know if you know what I mean!

Top - Dunns (bought at Bebaboo.com)
Jeans - Next

I love all the different types of fish depicted on the top, and Ethan enjoys "feeding" things to them (i.e. holding biscuits up to his tummy and making munching noises!).  Love it.

I'm also going to share a pic of Ethan in his new Primark shades (bought on my recent shopping trip, read about that here).  He keeps asking to wear his "new sunglasses" and I happen to think they look rather stylish!

Top - Polarn O.Pyret
Trousers - H&M
Sunglasses - Primark.

Don't forget to head over to Maria's blog to see all the other trendies linked up, and if TTT is something you join in with, other the next few weeks, whilst Maria is in Chile, Angela of Mum of Three Boys fame and I shall be sharing the hosting - so keep your eyes peeled!


Boys&Girls who I've reviewed before (and whos' bright coloured clothes we love) have 1/3 off their "Out to play" tees and sweat tops at the momement (offer ends midnight 13th June) so you can grab a bargain there.

Polarn O.Pyret who's clothes Ethan wears regularly have a sale starting this Thursday with many items at half price.

Happy shopping!  I've not been compensated or asked to mention the above, just sharing the love and insider info!


  1. He wears those shades with aplomb doesn't he!? :-) A heartbreaker in the making!

    Jem xXx

    1. I have to agree, he does! He's a bit too obsessed with sunglasses actually, wants them on as soon as he steps outside, even if it's not sunny! Thank you for your comment :) x

  2. Amazing shades! Look like ray bans! He is so stylish, like his Mum!x

    1. Thank you, you complementary lady you! They do look like ray bans, I agree! x

  3. Gorgeous1 love his glasses what a cool dude.
    have you seen the company raindrop, they do some lovely Scandinavian outdoor clothes, I blogged about their swimwear recently take a look http://mumofthreeboys.wordpress.com/2012/06/07/raindrops-swimwear-in-style-swimwear-review/
    cant wait to do some hosting with you x

    1. Ooo, no, I've not seen them! Will take a look... xx


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