Monday, 11 June 2012

Magpie Monday - thrifting from your parents..

I've not made it to a charity shop recently, but I did have a rummage around in my parents garage, through some of their piles and piles of "stuff" and found two gems.. so, I'm not entirely sure if this counts, but they are unwanted items that are now going to be used and loved again!

First of all, I found this scarf of my Mum's from the '70s.  The print jumped out at me, it's exactly the kind of thing I go for!! It smells musty and despite a good wash, I've not fully for rid of the smell yet, so I've shoved it in with a box of bath bombs and soap from Lush in the hope that that will do the trick!

The other "thing" I found was a gorgeous and practical bag that belonged to my maternal Grandma.  I am guessing it's probably from the '70s as well and I suspect it was used as a beach bag (let's just say I found a load of sand inside it!).  I'll use it for the same I think, it has that "beach bag" feel to it.  Plus, it's a good size and has a smaller front pocket for all those small beach items (suncream, lip balm etc..).  What do you think?  Stripes are always in!

I'm linking this blog post up with Missie Lizzie for her wonderful "Magpie Monday" linky.  Do visit her blog, not only is she the host of Magpie Monday, she also does some amazing crafts!


  1. Looks great, both those item could be on the shop shelves now, you would never know they weren't from the shops either!

    1. I agree, I've seen scarves and bags like this all over the place, but these are the genuine article, with a history behind them, which I love :)

  2. Oh, these are just fab.
    My nana died a couple of weeks ago and my mum let me have free reign in her wardrobe. I got THREE bags of vintage clothing. I was in absolute HEAVEN!

    1. Wow, amazing! How lovely that you'll be able to keep memories alive by being surrounded by and wearing her clothes! My Grandma died a long time ago now, well, 17 years ago, but it's still a strong memory to me. I love having items of hers around me and using them. It means so much. x

  3. Great finds.I have lots of my Mum's stuff too, she like me never threw anything out that was pretty. It always comes back into fashion again.

    1. Oh, definitely! I don't keep everything of mine, but certainly hang on to favourites or items I think will turn out to be classics. My Mum literally keeps everything though..


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