Friday, 1 June 2012

Fashion Faux Pas? I need your help!

Readers.. help me!

After my exercise class on Wednesday, after picking Ethan up from the crèche, we popped into the nearby Asda.  Asda only recently came to Clevedon so it's still a bit of a novelty to go there.  They sell clothes, and although I sometimes browse to see what they have for children, I don't often look at the ladies section.  I'm not against cheap and cheerful fashion, some of my favourite clothes are from Primark... but nothing had caught my eye before.  When we walked in yesterday though, the sun was out, I was feeling cheerful and like a magnet, I was attracted to a large rail of coloured jeans.  Ooooo! I thought!  Coloured jeans.. my fave.  They had 3/4 length ones as well - I need some of them I thought!  I grabbed a gorgeous green pair - £10 the label read - bargain! I decided to plump for a size 8 because they looked quite generous.  Then on a bit of a shopping high, I spotted a cute top.  It's one of those baggy smock style tops.  I normally steer clear of those - with my large chest, even in the smallest size I end up looking 8 months pregnant in them.  I loved the pattern though.  Blue and white with parrots on it.  I love clothes with birds on!  That was £8.  Again I grabbed the size 8 because it was the smallest they had and I knew it would be baggy.

So.. back home, the trying on begins.  This is where I need your help and advice.  The top isn't a style I normally wear and I'm not quite sure about the jeans.  I want your honest opinions - I'm not going to be offended!  After all, it's easy for me to take them back.  Even though the total cost wasn't even 20 quid, that's a big chunk of my monthly spending budget so it's important I spend wisely!

Have a look at a few pics and see what you think.  There's no problem with the top itself, I just want to know if you think I can pull it off, or should I face facts and accept I can't wear this style without looking huge.  With the jeans, I want to know if you feel the fit is off - I'm not sure if they're a bit too baggy.  They are comfortable, I love the style and colour, but they are a bit saggy.

I took quite a few photots but wasn't having a photogenic day, so you'll see why the photos get a bit stupid!

It's a cute pattern, isn't it?  Trust me, this shot is better with my head cut off..

Looking down..

I'm hiding behind my mug, because it's a better look!

Arghhhhhhhhhhhh! I NEEEEED your help!

Hmmmm.. this is what I'm most concerned about.  Is it me or do I look very saggy in the butt here?

They are comfortable and easy to move in which is always good when chasing a toddler... 

Fed up with seeing my head by this point.. anyway, the side view.  I look huge and again the jeans look a bit saggy and baggy!?
Please let me know what you think.  I'm just not sure.  Keep them?  Take them back?  At the moment I'm feeling more like taking them back - if I have any doubts, I'm probably not going to wear them because I won't feel comfortable.  It's irritating though, I really want a bright pair of 3/4 length jeans and I really do love the colour and the pattern on the top.

Darn it.


  1. I really like the top and I think it looks great on you. The jeans, I like the colour, but I'm not sure about the length, also they do look a little large on you. I prefer I slim or skinny jean that you can roll up a little at the ankle. I think it's more flattering than mid calf. Hope that helps! Though over all, you do look fab. Check you in your size 8s!

    1. Thank you for commenting :) yes, I agree about the jeans. Love the colour. I was expecting them to be more fitted.. but they aren't. So disapointing :( I'm sure I'll be taking them back. I might keep the top.. I'm undecided!

      Haha.. they are big size 8s!! X

  2. Hello lovely, saw you SOS tweet hee hee. I love the top lots (I too love anything with birds) but the jeans,I agree they look a bit baggy and unfortunately I have a green asda pair that get Soo baggy after a couple of hours wear and then they look saggy and awful. Have you thought about maybe putting a little yellow belt round the high waist if your top maybe? Having said that you don't need to ad it already looks great on you. And with yellow jeans the top would look luuuvvvlly. Xx

    1. Thanks for dropping by to help, I appreciate it. I really am sad about the jeans. I'm positive they are going back now!

      I could easily get a yellow belt- I've got a little red one with owls on that will do in the meantime!

      Do you know anywhere selling 3/4 length jeans at the mo?


  3. Keep top exchange jeans for smaller size. Remember the less expensive jeans tend to stretch out even more. Love the poses - you are too funny. I love a mama with humour :)

    1. I've decided (thanks to everyone) that the top is a keeper. In fact I've worn it all day :)

      The jeans will be going back.. they didn't have any smaller sizes... Booo!

      Glad you like the pics :) x


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