Wednesday, 27 June 2012

What I Wore Wednesday - 27/06/12

I was wondering what I'd share for WIWW today seeing as we were away last week.  I've had a trawl through the holiday photos though, and have found an outfit to share.  I didn't take a massive selection of clothes away with me.  Just stuff I could mix and match really!

This is what I wore to a farm park last week.  Something easy to run about in, go in soft play.  Something that can get a bit mucky if needs be.  I'm afraid I look a bit of a twit in the photos though...

Turquoise and grey striped top - Primark (ages ago)
Orange and white stripe tee - Primark (ages ago again)
Jeans - J Brand via ASOS
Wellies - Wye Valley via Amazon
Ring - local boutique
Bracelet - Primark
Necklace - A present
Sunglasses - D&G via TKMaxx
Earrings - eBay

I'm linking up with Transatlantic Blonde for What I Wore Wednesday.  If you want to see what everyone else has linked up, pop over there!


  1. I love this outfit, very fun, and you don't look like a twit at all.

    1. Well, thank you! I feel I have a pretty stupid expression in the pics!! x


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