Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Father's Day Gift Ideas

Look.  I don't want to scare you, but Father's Day is really close.. like days, just DAYS away!

Don't worry - I'm here to share a few of my gift ideas with you!

Luckily this year, I had a rather inspired idea for Pete's Father's Day gift, a little something handmade from the lovely Velveteen Babies.  I am loath to say more about that though in case he reads this before Father's Day.  If you follow on Instagram then you'll be able to have a sneak peak at that before the day itself.

As we are so close to the event, I'm going to concentrate on things you can get in local shops or make at home.

1) An excellent quality shaving cream.

Crabtree and Evelyn Shaving Cream, Father's Day ideas

OK - I know this doesn't seem very exciting, but this might just be a life changing experience!  About 18 months ago Pete was given a tube of Crabtree & Evelyn shaving cream.  It didn't seem like a very fun present, but it changed his shaving routine for the better.  Pete has always struggled to get a good clean shave free from cuts and ingrown hairs.  Since changing to this shaving cream all of that has become a thing of the past.  It isn't cheap at £12 but it really lasts.  Pete has only just finished his second ever tube of this cream.  When he used cheaper shaving foam we were buying a few one at £3-4 every few weeks.  He really rates this stuff.  And he is a man.  With a face.  That needs shaving.  So he should know!  You can buy this in a Crabtree & Evelyn shop if you have one near you, or Ocado stock it should you shop with them!

2) Breakfast in bed.
Breakfast in bed, bedroom, monochrome bedding, Woody and Florence
Mmmmm, bed!

This is an easy one, and one the children can get involved with.  It's also something that goes down very well.  After all, as a parent, there are very few lie ins!  Ethan loves to do something like this, he loves to help cook eggy bread and make a cup of tea.  You could even take it up on a tray with the newspapers and a flower - cutesy!!

3) Handmade card.

Hand Made Card, Mother's Day, Father's Day

Come on, it's the essential all time favourite, isn't it!! If you're really lucky, they might have already made one at school!! If not, it's simple.  Card or paper and pens is the minimum you need.  You can obviously get more creative.  Ethan made me a Mother's Day card at school this year and it made me cry it was so beautiful.  I'm  going to treasure it forever.

4) A big family gathering.

Family Gathering

We love doing things as a family and it's even better if you can get extended family involved.  Something we have struggled with since becoming parents is that Mother's Day & Father's Day means somehow fitting in visits and presents for us and the Grandparents.  We end up trying to rush around both sets of Grandparents whilst trying to make the day special for our other half.  It's not easy.  Our solution is getting together with as many of the family as possible.  You mark the occasion and everyone is in one place together.  Better still, Grandparents are more than happy with the gift of seeing their Grandchildren and a handmade card.  Cheesy but true.  We sometimes even get together with my brother's partner's family as well because of course they want to celebrate the day too!  It's a great chance to go somewhere for a picnic or a BBQ.

5) The classic gift set.

Father's Day gift set, Radox, Dove
Father's Day - Sorted!

It's a little bit of a treat and something they might not get for themselves.  You can easily buy a selection of things and make up a nice box of treats.  Something I have done for Pete in the past is buy a gorgeous pair of quality socks.  I know it's a bit of a stereotypical man gift, but he normally buys himself a multi pack of Primarni socks.  Now he has a favourite pair of gorgeous quality socks that make him feel a little extra special when he puts them on.  You could add to the package some chocs or sweets (Pete is a sucker for sweets!) and something along the lines of bubble bath to soak their aching body (we all know what lugging around small children/cycling/gardening/generally being over 30 do to your back) and something to spruce themselves up with.  Radox have some yummy smelling bath soaks and bubbles.  Dove have some gift sets that cover all the different "Dad Types".  Sorted!

Right then - stop reading this and get organising yourself!!

**We were very kindly sent some Radox bubble bath & a Dove gift set**

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