Friday, 13 June 2014

Getting creative in the garden - Country Kids

Getting outside doesn't always mean going far from home.  Last Sunday morning we were hanging out in my parents garden.  They have a really lovely big garden and Ethan can spend hours mooching around in it.

One of his favourite activities is actually something I loved to do as a child - making "drinks" for the adults around!

My Mum keeps old flour, tea leaves, coffee, corn flour and any other bits that might go out of date in her greenhouse and Ethan creates "delicious" food and drinks with these.  This Sunday he made me some "coffee".  Mmmmm.  Yum!

After making coffee, he settled down to do some chalk drawing.  It's the simple things that keep them amused really!

Linking up with the fab Coombe Mill for Country Kids.


  1. Lots of creative and imaginative fun in the garden - a great way to spend a sunny Sunday morning. Thanks for linking up and sharing Ethan's fun with Country Kids.

  2. My son loves drawing on our terrace floor and he loves it when it rains at night cuz hell have a fresh canvass in the morning =) #CountryKids


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