Thursday, 19 June 2014

Trendy Thursday - headband tastic!

I've been loving all the cool headbands that are available for girls and then it occurred to me - why shouldn't Felix rock a headband?  It's not as if I'd get him a bright pink one  with huge flowers on it!

I found loads of places on Etsy that sell handmade headbands and in the end plumped for some for me from Cristin Rae and one for Felix from  Kennedys Collections.

Mine arrived last Friday and I decided to share my geometric monochrome headband with Felix - he rocked it I thought!

Cristin Rae Monochrome headband

Felix's own headband arrived on Wednesday so we put it straight on his noggin.  I bought him age 18-24 months and it only just fits.  Big head.  It looks pretty awesome though!

Kennedyscollections headband, Mini Rodini, Cissy Wears, H&M, Monochrome

Harlequin leggings - H&M

Thoughts? Would you put a headband on your boy?

Link up your kids fashion posts below - please don't forget to comment here and check back to visit others who join in - share the love!


  1. I definitely would put hairbands on a boy! Felix looks awesome! :) xx

    1. Thanks Hannah, glad you feel the same way! x

  2. I'd put a headband on a boy, but if I had a boy who was anything like Athena it'd be off before I even took my hands away, she hates them! Same with hair clips now too.. sadly! hair in her eyes all the time!

    1. I'm trying to get Felix used to them.. sometimes if I can get it on without him realizing it'll stay on a while.. if I don't then it gets pulled straight off. Annoying! He has a clip in when he's eating due to his fringe! x

  3. Felix looks awesome in his headband! Has the blog had a litte makeover since I last stopped by? Loving it!

    1. Thank you! And yes, it has! Mind you, I'm always fiddling with it. One day I'll move to wordpress.. can't handle that at the moment though! x

  4. Felix is SUCH a dude, he rocks the hairband! I would totally put one on Alex if he would keep it on(no chance!)


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