Friday, 9 January 2015

Funky Kid Friday - New Year!

Christmas and New Year have come and gone.. and here we are, the second Friday in January already! I hope you all had a lovely Christmas/New Year/Holiday!  We enjoyed a good amount of family time.  I like to have a break from the blog over the Christmas holidays.  For one thing, I don't have as much time to work on it.  I also think I benefit from a break from it though.

If I'm entirely honest, my blogging mojo isn't quite back, but it's Friday, Mum and Dad have Felix and I should really get something productive done!

I love having both boys at home with me during the holidays for many reasons.  It's hard work when they are both home but at least we don't have to rush out for school in the morning.  It's nice not to have the time constraints the school days bring.  I also like that Ethan can choose his own clothes in the morning.  Something he really enjoyed each day.

Here's a selection of the boys outfits over the last few weeks:

Want to share what your children have been wearing?  Link up below! Don't forget to comment here and visit anyone else who links up.  It's all about the love!

Next week I'm sure a more normal service will resume.  And hopefully as Spring gets closer Felix and I might stop catching a new cold each week!

Happy 2015 everyone! XX


  1. Nice outfits, particularly the dog print leggings. Happy new year to you x

  2. Welcome back!! I MISSED you and your wild outfits. Don't take any more breaks ever again. ;)

    Do you know, you literally own every outfit that I've been gawping at and lusting after. That boys&girls jumper - I've been talking myself into & out of it for ages! And the leggings - looove the leggings. And my FAVOURITE Tootsa MacGinty jumper! I wish that you lived close by so that I could bribe you to lend me baby clothes with chocolate cake or something.

  3. Love that Ethan gets to dress himself. Penny loves to have a say too. It's so cute. Love all the colour to start the new year in your house!


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