Friday, 5 June 2015

Funky Kid Friday - some sunshine!

Ahhh! Finally we're getting some half decent weather.  About bloomin' time, it is June!  It's so lovely to get outside without coats and not get battered by rain and wind.  I'm feeling somewhat revitalised!

I thought I'd share some pics from the weekend.  The boys have been getting a little better at playing together which is always good to see.  I bought them both an old Fisher Price plane on eBay so they've been having fun with those!

Two Little Kings, Poco Pato, GAP, Donna Wilson, Hubble & Duke


Leggings - Two Little Kings


Denim shirt - GAP
Cloud print tee - PocoPato
Socks - Hubble & Duke

Milk de la Milk, Fred & Noah, Donna Wilson, Bobo Choses, Mini Rodin

Milk de la Milk, Fred & Noah, Donna Wilson, Bobo Choses, Mini Rodin

Milk de la Milk, Fred & Noah, Donna Wilson, Bobo Choses, Mini Rodin

Tree print top - Donna Wilson for John Lewis
Milk de la Milk vest - Greyham NYC
Elephant leggings - Fred & Noah


Stripy top - Katvig
T shirt - Bobo Choses
Leggings - Mini Rodini

What have your littlies been rocking this week?  Link up below!  Please don't forget to link up to me and/or display my badge.  If you tweet me your link I can retweet it for you!

Happy Friday!


  1. Sarah MumofThree World5 June 2015 at 16:37

    They look as fab as ever :) My son had a plane at bit like that back in the day.

  2. Bex @ The Mummy Adventure5 June 2015 at 21:40

    My mum still has one of those planes from when we were small! I love the monochrome, especially the Donna Wilson


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