Friday, 6 November 2015

Five Boys Clothing

I was struggling to think about what I was going to write about today for Funky Kid Friday because, in all honesty, I don't think the boys have worn anything this week that I've not featured before.  I've not even taken many photos!  However, I was online this morning browsing cool online store Five Boys Clothing and thought, hey, why not feature them!

I discovered Five Boys Clothing via Instagram.  That's where I discover most places these days!  They stood out to me because I have two boys.  It strikes me (not surprisingly) that most fashion and shops for kids are marketed towards girls and their mothers.  Obviously I prefer unisex fashion but I can't deny that I found it exciting to see a shop that's focus was cool clothing for boys.

LululZulu at Five Boys Clothing
Amazing hoodie from LululZulu at Five Boys Clothing £39.00

The reality is that Five Boys Clothing is very unisex.  They stock brands like The Bright Company, Boys & Girls and Gardner & The Gang so you could just as easily buy clothing for your girl from them.  It's a clever idea calling themselves Five Boys Clothing, though, because I think it'll encourage parents who are searching for "boys" clothes to broaden their horizons a bit.

Gardner & The Gang at Five Boys Clothing

I have to mention their sale section - it's pretty epic right now including some fantastic Tootsa Macginty items, some Gardner and Boys & Girls.  I just bagged a pair of those amazing harlequin harems for Ethan for £10!!

I think if you're a parent of boys you'll love this site.  You'll love it if you have girls too ;-)

I'm linking up with my co-host Hannah over at Make Do & Push for Funky Kid Friday today.  Go check it out and join in!

Happy Friday! X

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