Friday, 30 May 2014

Cosatto Troop Car Seat Review

We are very happy to be part of Cosatto's Brand Buddy scheme, they are a brand after our own hearts!  Colourful and functional products.  If you have a Cosatto product you are going to be asked about it.  No doubt.

Earlier this year Cosatto kindly sent us a stage 1-2-3 car seat for Felix.  This type of car seat is suitable from 9 months to up to 12 years (seriously impressive) however, your child also has to be at the minimum weight of 9kg so we had to wait a little while until Felix was heavy enough.  After a few months Felix reached the correct weight and I have to say we were glad.  He was becoming too long for his 0 stage seat.

Cosatto Troop carseat review Group 1 2 3 Pablo
Look what's arrived!

We were sent a Troop seat in Pablo and I have to say this is one of their more eye-catching designs.  Though since we were sent this design they have released new prints such as the Scootle in Spectroscope which looks amazing!  Troop is wonderful though and I love how it brightens up our car.  The colour is really appealing to both boys and I think that a geometric pattern like this should suit Felix for a good long while.  As the covers are removable, if it comes to a point when he wants something different, I'm sure this is something we will be able to work out - perhaps Cosatto will even offer some new cover styles that will fit!

Cosatto Troop carseat review Group 1 2 3 Pablo

Fitting our Troop was straightforward.  The instruction manual is nice and clear (thanks Cosatto) and there are lots of helpful videos also avaible on their site.  The Troop works with ISOFIT which our car has and was kindly supplied with adaptors to allow the best fit possible.

Now, perhaps one of the most obvious and maybe frightening thing about the Troop is that it has no harness.  Instead, it has a protective impact shield through which a 3 point standard seatbelt is threaded to keep your child in place.  This is a little strange to get used to, both for your child and you.  Some children take longer to take to this style of car seat than others.  Luckily Felix seems pretty happy.  During his first trip in the Troop he cried a great deal and we were a little worried, especially as hubby had found getting the impact belted in place quite hard.  However, Felix developed a very high temp a few hours later and was ill for a week.. and as for the fitting of the seat belt and impact shield, well, it gets easier the more you do it.

Felix seems very happy in his seat now.  He does chew on the impact shield, the teething devil, but you can buy replacement covers from Cosatto which I am planning to do once he has passed the teething stage.  I'm just letting him get on with it for now.  He often falls asleep in his chair.  It's very padded and comfy and often his head just falls on to his arms which he has rested on the shield.  Looks so cute!

Cosatto Troop carseat review Group 1 2 3 Pablo
First journey in the Troop

You can recline the Troop slightly by using catches on the side of the chair (see the instruction manual which has great illustrations!) which makes napping a little easier, especially for younger children who still fall asleep often in the car.

From age 4 you can remove the impact shield and just fit your Troop using a 3 point seatbelt.  As your child grows, so does the Troop!  You can adjust the headrest - all in all their are 5 different heights which is just as well because the seat has to fit up to age 12.

Here are a few facts about the seat:

  • Group 1, 2, 3 carseat
  • Suitable from 9 - 36 kgs (9 months - 12 years)
  • Universal fit when used without the ISOFIT system
  • Semi universal fit with the ISOFIT system
  • compatible to use with standard 3 point seat belts
  • Easy to install
  • Forward facing on both front and rear seats
  • ISOFIT system for optimum security
  • Side impact protection
  • Protective impact shield
  • 2 position seat angles
  • 2 position seat back recline
  • 5 position headrest heights
  • Sidewing and headrest to adjust with your child
  • Washable covers
  • FREE 4 year guarantee (UK & Ireland only)
  • Compiles with European Standard ECE R44.04

So, what do we like about the seat?  Well, obviously there's the eye-catching part of it.  It looks amazing and comfortable to sit in.  More importantly though, it is a safe and very supportive seat for your child.  We like how cushioned it is and how nicely Felix sits in it.  Personally, I like not having a harness.  Once you get used to threading the seatbelt through, it's quick and easy to do.  I like how the impact shield acts as a pillow for your child as well!  We also love how easy it is to transfer between cars should you need to.  And despite looking large, it's actually quite lightweight.

What are we not so keen on?  Well, we can't find much to pick fault with in all honestly.  Hubby still moans a little about fitting it but I suspect it's taking him longer to get used to using because he doesn't put Felix in the car as often as I do.  At first we weren't too sure about the white back and sides of the seat but whilst it does stand out, it looks very modern and cool.  It's a shame how easily Felix has managed to damage the cover on the impact shield but that's more to do with his constant chewing on things more than anything else.  Can't blame Cosatto for that!

We are really happy with this seat.  It's FUNKtional!

Cosatto Troop carseat review Group 1 2 3 Pablo


  1. I love the bold colours that Cosatto put into their range! This seat is really good value considering it last so long #TriedTested

  2. That looks like a fab seat. My twins are terribly light for their age and I have been wondering about getting seats with an impact shield as they can't have boosters yet. That's a very helpful review :) #TriedTested

  3. That looks fab! I love the design and colours of it x

  4. I love the colours of it, Cosatto always make their products look so fun. We will be buying the next stage for our twins in a few months so I've been really interested in reviews with an impact sheild. They look great but like you said your child has to take to them! #triedtested

  5. I love Cosatto, and the Troop looks really great. Love the idea of the impact shield although I have never tried one. Thanks for linking up with #TriedTested

  6. I'm a huge Cosatto fan but I've never tried any of their car seats. The Troop is such a striking design though, it looks fab.

  7. I still can't get my head round impact shields - it really does look very comfy though!
    Thanks for linking up with #TriedTested


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