Thursday, 29 May 2014

Trampy Thursday - Trendy Thursday goes slummy!

It's half term in our house and that means one thing -  no rush to get dressed in the morning!  Ethan relishes the chance not to have to get dressed first thing and will loll about in his PJs for as long as possible.  You can't blame him, he's only 4 and life is so busy!

Felix obviously doesn't get any say in when he gets dressed (well, he can't vocalise it!) so I still tend to get him dressed after he has his nappy changed in the morning.  However, he has another skill.. getting his clothes dirty in all manner of ways.

For a bit of fun today, I thought we should link up blog posts showcasing our children's lazy day clothing.  Muddy clothing.  Dirty clothing. Just don't care clothing.  Trendy Thursday will be back as normal next week, but for this week we are celebrating not caring what they wear with Trampy Thursday!

Here's a selection of my boys messy wear:

Cloth nappy, gNappy, gPants, WeeNotions
Nappy Bum!
Cloud tshirt - 3rd hand from Lindex
Custom nappy - Wee Notions
LOVED nappy - gNappies

For Felix, slummy clothes often end up being him just hanging around in a nappy.  As he wears cloth this does mean he still looks quite cute.. He usually ends up like this because what he was wearing has got dirty.  If we're at home and not planning to go out again I just tend to leave him like this.

For Ethan, he likes to be in his PJs.  He has a lovely selection of PJs.  Recently he decided to dress himself in his Christmas ones and some necklaces.  As you do.  If he's getting mucky in the garden, he likes to have some waterproofs on - he's wearing one of my brother's old hats in the photo above - he's making "porridge" at Grandma & Granddad's house.

Christmas PJs - Hatley
Stripy tshirt - Katvig
Hat - Top Man from about 10 years ago!
Waterproofs - Lidl

So, now it's over to you lot!  What do your children like to wear when they don't care?   Link up below.  Please don't forget to link to my blog in your blog post and visit others who join in!  Thank you!


  1. I love this! Your boys always look so immaculate I didn't think it was possible for them to look scruffy (it's pretty much the same for my daughter too), but everybody needs to be comfy and just chill out sometimes!

  2. Oh my gosh my kids always start the day looking lovely. Then just look crackers!!! Seriously. The dirt on them. Yours are super cute. Like mine I suppose! xxx

  3. Love those pjs, and the waterproofs are serious stuff.


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