Thursday, 1 May 2014

Trendy Thursday - The Mini Classy

If you are a regular reader and someone who joins in with Trendy Thursday, I'm sure you know just how many fantastic children's clothing brands I discover via Instagram.  You start following one, they share a picture from another, you follow them, they link to another brand.  On and on it goes.  There are so many amazing independent and small businesses out there and Instagram is their playground!

What I tend to do when choosing clothes for my boys now is buy a few gorgeous pieces from these smaller companies and them compliment them with cheaper pieces from places like H&M.  There is no denying that handmade children's clothes or limited edition clothing are more expensive than the mass made items, but they are special.  A lot of hard work has gone into designing and making them.  I like the fact that by buying these clothes you are supporting someone trying to make their mark in a massive industry.  What's in it for you?  Well, if that alone isn't enough for you, it's a simple fact that your child will be wearing something much more unique than most of the other children in your town! I think it teaches them a good lesson too.  Buy clothes that are good quality and well made.  Know where your clothes are made.  Support small companies.  Be individual.

One company I have recently discovered is the American based The Mini Classy who, in their own words, have been "swagging out babies since 2013".  Still a relatively new company they have made a big splash, they have been stocked by Zulily in the US this year;  that's pretty impressive I think.  Their designs are very individual with an emphasis on comfort for children.  Something so important I think.  It's all well and good making your tot the trendiest in town, but you want them to be able to get comfortably around the playground still, not stand around like a trendy shop dummy!  They buy they fabric in small qualities so designs are limited edition which means you bag something really different and unlikely to be seen on many others.  It's also a great marketing idea, let's be honest!!  The clothes are handmade in the US.

I bought a few items for the boys recently after The Mini Classy announced a flash sale via Instagram (a great reason to follow them!).  All in all I spent about $50 including postage for two pairs of harem trousers and a vest top.  That's a bit less than £25 I think so really not bad including the postage.  Their harems are usually $25-30 each so that was a great bargain.

It didn't take long for our items to arrive at all and when they did, I couldn't wait to get them on the boys.  Personally, I think they look amazing.

The Mini Classy Harems Kids Fashion Children's Fashion

Ethan wore his vest and harems to a bouncy castle party at the weekend and they stood up to the two hour challenge very well.

The Mini Classy  Harems  Vest Kids Fashion Medicated Follower of Fashion
Ethan rocking his Mini Classy threads.

Felix has been wearing his around the house, crawling around in them.  They still look great after the repeated rubbing of fabric against the carpet and floor.  No bobbling.  I've washed them and they've come up looking as good as new.  They also dry really quickly!  As they are harems, they have more space for a big nappy in them which is great news for us as cloth users.

So, The Mini Classy, a big thumbs up from the 'follower household.  We'll be back for more!

Does Instagram influence you the way it does me?  I can think of some of my blogging friends who would agree with me I think (Emma from They Grow So Quick I'd say!!).

If you've got some trendy children's outfits to share, link up below.  Don't forget to comment here and visit others who join in!


  1. They look fab and they sound like a real bargain! I love harems for myself and my daughter - they're so comfortable, but they look great. I've never thought of following companies like this on Instagram, but it sounds like a good idea :)

  2. I've never heard if harems before as all skirts & dresses in this house. Am going to start following companies in Instagram though . Fab way to find out about sales etc x

  3. I loved these when I saw them on your IG, they're fan Alex x


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