Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Mac lusting - which Boden mac to go for?

I know it's a bit stereotypical "Yummy Mummy" but there's a reason why Boden are popular.  They know colour, they know pattern and they know quality.  For the last 5 years I've bought myself a Boden Rainy Day Mac.  I've had two and I'm currently planning my third.  I'm just stuck trying to decide which one to got for!  I can't afford to buy one this month so it'll give me some time to decide, but I thought I'd ask for some help.

These are the two I've had before:

As for my next one, I've narrowed it down to three:

Image source: Boden
Boden Rainy Day Mac available from Boden for £119.00

Initially, I am most drawn to the dotty patterned macs.  What makes me hesitate is the colour choice.  These are the boldest ones available (I like bold) but they aren't really that in your face.  The blue is nice, but it's very safe.  I really like the yellow, but I already have a yellow duffel coat which I wear a lot and a yellow body warmer.  I wear yellow tights a lot but look like a yellow jelly baby if I wear them with a yellow coat so I need another colour option!  I also think it'd be nice if they'd put a stripy liner in the hoods of the dotty print coats.

That brings me to the stripy print.  It's bold, yes, but I'm not wild about the colours.  It's the pink that's putting me off to be honest.  It's a little too powder/baby pink for me.  I do love stripes, but in coats, I'm not quite so sure.  If this had bolder colours in it, it'd probably be the one.

What are your thoughts?  I suppose if pushed, at the moment I'd go for the blue dotty print.  I like the flash of yellow you get from the liner and the blue will contrast with more of my dresses, tights and jeans... but still!!

Help me choose whilst I get saving....


  1. I have the dotty one in red (from a few years ago), and it's brilliant. I'm with you on not being wild about the blue; I can't stand navy blue, it feels too uniform-y (guess which colour was my primary school uniform, LOL). But that blue looks non-navy; almost petrol, perhaps? In which case, it's fine. ;)

    1. Yes, that's just it! The uniform association...

  2. Replies
    1. Stripes seems the most popular on facebook...


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