Friday, 27 April 2012

Fashion Friday....Button Earrings

I went to a lovely shop in our town this week to buy a few buttons.  Why? Well, if you've perused my blog on a fairly regular basis, you've probably noticed my orange button earrings.  I wear them rather a lot!  Quite simply, they were a pair of orange buttons onto which I glued silver-plated earring backs and hey presto, button earrings!

They are big and in your face and get A LOT of compliments.  From a whole range of people!  Almost every time I wear them someone comments on them and many people ask me where I got them.  It got me thinking.. I ought to make a few pairs and sell them!  And that's just what I'm going to do.  Just a couple of pairs at first, see if there's any interest for them on eBay.  However, I thought that I would run a little comp on here as well, the prize being a pair of earrings!!

So... if you like the look of them, keep an eye out on the blog - when I've made them, I'll be offering a pair to a lucky winner!

1 comment:

  1. Love it, love your style. Why not start an Etsy shop??


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