Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Grovel, beg etc...

JEMEWXDZCB2POh hello there readers!  I'm going to do a little begging here.. You may already know that I've been shortlisted in the Bibs (Brilliance in Blogging) awards under the style category.  The day I discovered that I had been voted for and short-listed, I did several happy dances, cried a little and drank a bottle of champagne.  Can you imagine what I'd do if I got to be a finalist, let alone win?  I cannot explain how excited I would be.

If you voted for in the first place, thank you!  I am ecstatic to have been nominated.  If you would now like to vote for me to have a chance at winning, I will love you forever!  If that's something you fancy doing, you can click the button up on my blog, or head over here.

Now.. it's awards season and as a result there are other blog awards around.. namely, the MADs.  I would love to be nominated for a MAD.  If that's something you feel my blog is worthy of, please click the button on my blog, or head over here.  Again, if I get nominated I'll be hopping with excitement!

Right.. that's the begging over!  Normal service shall resume now..

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