Monday, 9 April 2012

Magpie Monday - Easter weekend finds..

A quick post today for Magpie Monday.. it's a bank holiday and despite a cold, hardly sleeping and the rain, I want to make the most of the day and not be tied to a laptop for too long!! I'm sure you feel the same..

Yesterday (Easter Sunday) we went to Dyrham Park (National Trust) and whilst looking around the house, stumbled across a second hand book sale.  I didn't find much for me there, but one book jumped out at me.  So cute.  Lovely photos and illustrations.  It's a children's story book published in 1946.  Set me back £1 which is probably a bit much in terms of normal second hand book sale prices, but you know what National Trust is like!! It's for a good cause at least.  Anyway, here are some photos:

I really love it.  I'll be able to read some of the stories to Ethan when he's a bit older, and just generally enjoy looking at it myself!!

Hope you're all enjoying the long weekend, despite the weather!

Now head over to Missie Lizzie to see what other bargain hunters have found!


  1. Love the fact that you could get away with the title 'playing with guns' and a pic of to peeping toms in those days!!


    1. I know.. brilliant!! So wouldn't happen now.. x

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. I love the picture of the two girls having a picnic! Hope the stories are as good as the pics.

    1. I know, they are so lovely. I could have shown loads of photos, but it would've been too much. I just love books like this.

  4. This is a lovely book, i got some old books this week too. These 'Uncle Arthur' books were well loved in the days of old!
    Aqeela xx

    1. I've just had a look at what you've posted, and I'm amazed!! You got some fantastic stuff! x

  5. Oh how precious are the pictures.Photo copy them and frame them.


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