Wednesday, 21 March 2012


"Who's that gut lord marching... you should cut down on your bloglife mate.. get some exercise!"

I've been thinking a lot about blog-life balance recently.  I know companies like to harp on about work-life balance.. how much they "care" about you, their employee.... are you getting home early enough?  Not taking work home with you?  Make sure you switch off when you leave the office you know.. just so long as you've put in an extra half hours work without claiming overtime, we'll be happy to encourage a healthy work-life balance!

What am I getting at exactly?

Well... I suppose it's the age old dilemma of how you go about fitting everything into your life without becoming a run down mess.  Many of us are familiar with Muso Dad who very recently gave up blogging and is currently taking a break from social media all together.  I can understand why he'd do this.  I've been blogging for years on and off, but it's really only in the last 6-8 months that I've made a real stab at it, trying to blog once a day, keeping an eye on stats, tweeting my posts, networking, making contact with other bloggers.. and it has to be said that at times it feels like work.

I'm a stay at home Mum.  Just because I don't go to a paid job doesn't mean I don't work though, as I'm sure any parent reading this will agree.  The majority of my day is bloody hard work.  When evening comes, I, need to relax.  Whilst I love blogging and having a space to vent, it does sometimes feel like something I "have" to do if I want my blog to be a "success".

I suppose one answer would be not to care.  After-all, what am I doing it for if not for myself? What does it matter if no one reads?  It does though... Why would Google provide us with the ability to check our stats if no one was interested?  We humans are ego lead.  It's a great ego boost for me to know that a few people each day have popped by and read my thoughts, admired my photos, commented and perhaps even  (on occasion!) learned something or found something thought provoking.

No.  I can't not care about the stats.  I can't just do it for the love of it I'm afraid.  Maybe that makes me shallow.. I'm not sure.

Something I do try to do is not actually blog every day.  I tend to blog on Sunday and Wednesday evenings with the odd extra bits thrown in here and there.. I schedule a few blog posts.  The idea is that I then have some evenings where I'm not thinking about blogging.  This doesn't really work though.  I think this was something Muso Dad was struggling with as well.  It's very hard to switch off from blogging.  Even if you're not actually writing a post every day, if you want to do well, you have to keep the networking up which means dedicating time you're not writing to reading other people's blogs, or promoting yours via twitter or facebook.

I'm not ready to give blogging up.  I do love my blog.  I'm happy with my achievements, I love the fact I've made online friends with a lovely group of people.  I enjoy reading other blogs, getting ideas and being inspired. I'm just concerened about other areas of life.  My mental health, my physical health, my relationship with my husband (poor blog widower!).

I'm interested to know how other bloggers manage it?  So many of you seem to find far more time, both for blog posts and twitter.  Ethan hardly gives me any time away from him in the day.. even nipping onto twitter is an impossibility most of the time.  When he naps, I'm often out of the house and my phone gets a rubbish signal so I can't even do much then.. and that's if he does nap, which isn't that often!!

How do you all do it?  Answers on a postcard... or just the comment box ;-D


  1. I'm not sure I'm even qualified to answer this post because I'm not really a dedicated blogger.That said though even I find finding the time tough and with the good weather on the way I feel blogging will only become tougher.With 2 little girls demanding my time even when I should be sleeping it may become even less possible to manage a blogging life. Still I really only do it to let of steam - yet would love more readers because it does give me a little buzz. I do enjoy dipping into your blog were my first blogging pal :) - hmmm unhelpful comment but will publish due to the fact it took me so much longer writing from my phone ggggrr. Have a good day :) x

    1. Blogging pals :)

      Not an unhelpful comment at all... it's always good to hear how other bloggers experience blogging..

      Like you, I think it's going to get even tougher as the weather gets better! xx

  2. Ooh I didnt have to type in letters before you have to do it on my blog? If so how do I remove it it's so very annoying?xx

    1. It was in the settings I think... I changed it because it's really annoying having to fill out those CAPTCHA things... I haven't been spammed since either (I was getting the odd Spambot before!) x

  3. I had been wondering about scheduling posts so that you can do a chunk of writing at one or two set times in the week....interesting and a shame to hear you don't feel that's working out.It is very difficult!!! x

    1. I think the trouble is sometimes you feel you "have" to blog just to keep your blog going, and that's the real issue... I think I have to remember the mantra "live first, blog later". I keep hearing it and I think it's true!

      I do still love the schedule function. It doesn't take all the pressure off, but it is very handy. x

  4. I feel exactly the same. So glad you wrote about this. I don't blog everyday - but I do think about it. I'm trying to 'live first, blog later'. I want to blog when I have something to say/found a product that I like. I don't know how true this is, but I'm assuming some bloggers are more freed up, due to children being at school? I can only blog in the evenings, or when Willow naps. But I feel guilty for spending too long on the computer and not enough time on looking after the house. Also, sometimes I just don't WANT to blog. I want to sit and watch telly and not worry that I'm missing out on something by not being online. I love blogging, but I don't want it to rule my life.

    1. I think you've hit the nail on the head. Live first, blog later. It's got to be the way to go. After all, if you're not doing some living, what on earth can you blog about?!

      I think you're right, some bloggers must be a little more freed up if they have children at school, or in pre-school. I think at the moment Ethan is at his most demanding. Especially if it's a day he doesn't nap. You have to fill the whole 12-14 hours he's awake, every second of it, and he's not the kind of child you can stick the TV on for and blog whilst he's not looking.. he likes watching TV but doesn't like it if you're sat with a laptop next to him!! You have to be watching as well (or out of the room doing house work.. he'll let me do that!).

      Anyway, I think you're right. Blogging mustn't rule our lives.. x

  5. I relate to this greatly. I am horrible at balance. It is my numero uno problem. Not so much life balance, that too, but inner balance. I am one of those obsessed or uninterested types. I have to be real careful with that in the blog zone. Heading over to add you on Twitter.

    1. Thanks Angie! Yeah, I completely understand what you mean with totally obsessed or uninterested!! It's very hard to strike a balance.. I seem to have one week where I'm happy blogging every night and loving it and the next week I'll be "all blogged out" and just need time away..

  6. i struggle with this a lot! i put no end of pressure on myself and like you wrote, when i'm not blogging i'm often thinking of it. I work 3 days a week in an all consuming business and then i'm home being a mum/wife/step mum so i do struggle. If im on the laptop of an evening i feel hubby is getting less attention too (hes like a kid lol) But i've found that i just have to stop thinking so obsessively about it. If you dont blog for a few days no one seems to mind (or care?)if i loose a follower then they obviously weren't meant to be following. I've told myself to lighten up as i feel it was stressing me out and i have enough of that in my life with my business and family! so no suggestions as such, just dont worry and have fun, blog when you can and want and each post then will be quality as opposed to quantity..
    Take care
    Rachel xx


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