Monday, 26 March 2012

Magpie Monday - Clothes for the future..

Last week's trawl of the charity shops in mine and my parents town was not very lucrative... hardly anything jumped out at me, and I went to a good 7 or 8... There were a couple of coffee cups in a branch of St Peter's Hospice that were nice, but they were asking £7 for each cup which I thought was really far too much for a charity shop.  Anyone else found this with St Peter's Hospice?  I find their prices are by far the highest.  When I was in there last week they were asking for £7-£10 for dresses that looked worn, and £8 for used shoes.  I just think it's crazy.

Anyway.. I did have a little success in the end in one of the other charity shops.  I got lucky in their children's clothes section.  I managed to get three totally unused items - a pair of Next shorts, a practical pair of cords and a GAP polo shirt.  They are all age 5-6 (Ethan isn't even 3 yet) but they cost me just over £4 for the lot, which I thought was a bargain, and well worth the storage space.

It has to be said, they aren't the most exciting items of clothing ever, the colours aren't very inspiring, but they are practical, worth the money and hopefully won't be out of style by the time Ethan is big enough for them.. something like a polo shirt is a classic look that will stick around.

My apologies for Ethan's feet in the first photo, I couldn't get him to keep out of the way!

I'm linking this post up with MissieLizzie for Magpie Monday.  Why not pop over there and see what everyone else has found this week?


  1. Oh they're definitely keepers! Although I do hope you're more organised than me - I can never remember where I've put stuff!

    Thanks for linking up x

    1. I'm not tooooo bad.. at least with the stuff that he's yet to wear.. The clothes he's grown out of have ended up all over the place I think! If I need them again for another child I'll have a lot of looking to do! x

  2. i do the same with ebay, if i see something finishing in a few minutes and its at 99p il buy it for harry no matter the size lol, and my parents are charity shop and carboot lovers so they always come back from there caravan at a weekend with lots of bargin loot! x

    1. Glad I'm not the only one. I need to go to more carboots... I've not been to one in an age.. x

  3. I do love a good charity shop rampage, there's loads in my town..we are spoiled for choice! x

  4. We have a storage draw in D's bedroom for all the clothes that he will one day grow into (God willing) - we have to buy clothes for them anyway so if they are cheap then i say get them no matter what size they are!
    Thanku for popping my blog,
    Aqeela xx


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