Friday, 9 March 2012

Fashion Friday - Statement Pieces

So.. having failed to get myself some Marni from H&M yesterday (you can still view the collection here) I thought I would blog today about statement pieces.

Of course, I was hoping that I would be talking about a statement Marni necklace (drool.. drool) but unless I get very lucky on eBay, I don't think I'm going to be rocking this number.

I do own a few statement pieces though.  Not so much designer (although my Marc Jacobs bag is I suppose).  I've mentioned before how much I like bright colour and pattern. Many of my clothes make that obvious.  I think the one item I really love the most at the moment though is my scarf.  It is so unusual and every time I wear it I get heaps of comments and compliments.  Always a mood booster.

My scarf was designed by Donna Wilson.  Not heard of her?  Check out her site and blog.  She makes wonderful woolly creations.  He is a gorgeous fox.  According to Ethan, he's a sleeping fox.  He likes to sleep snuggled around my neck, and I'm very appreciative of his warmth!

He's lovely, isn't he!  Not a cheap scarf at £47, he was a treat a few months back when I made some money selling on eBay.  100% lambswool and knitted in Scotland.  I can't recommend him enough.  I recommend Donna's wonderful creations in general.  She makes wonderful cushions and cuddly creatures.

I thought I'd have more photos of me wearing Mr Fox, considering he's hanging out around my neck most of the time..but I don't.  He's a bit shy here, but you can see how lovely and bright he is. Orange is a happy colour!

Well, have a very happy weekend all.  I'm linking this post up for Blow your Blog Horn with Mummy's Little Monkey.


  1. I LOVE your son's hat with ears!!!! Do they have them in grown up sizes..? ;)

    1. Oh! If only.. I don't think h&m sell them anymore, but if they ever do again, an age 3 one might fit an adult! Ethan's one is 12-18 months and fits him fine, but a flat cap I bought him in age 4 was too small!!! You never know... x

  2. I hope the collection is going to be re-stocked again soon. I love the necklace, great colours.


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