Monday, 19 March 2012

Magpie Monday - Converse

I love Converse trainers.  I have two pairs myself.  They are comfy, don't look too chunky and are brilliant as "Mummy-wear".  They also happen to be excellent for children as well I feel.  Ethan has had several pairs now, he's on his 4th pair I think.  It has to be said though, Converse aren't the cheapest footwear... well, children's footwear in general is quite pricey I think, considering how long they are in some of them..  Obviously you have to pay for quality, but unfortunately I need to make savings wherever I can.. and I am not above second hand footwear.  As long as the shoes are still in good condition and supportive to the feet, I have no problem.  In terms of how long children are in their shoes, this often seems to be the case.  I know the pairs of shoes I have bought Ethan brand new have been too small within weeks sometimes and I've sold them on being in almost brand new condition still!!

I normally buy clothing for Ethan well ahead of time - it started when I was pregnant and it has carried on since.  Ethan is 3 in July... upstairs I have clothes to fit him until he is about 6.  That's including some pants, socks, wellies, coats and PJs!!  I don't tend to buy shoes ahead of time due to storage.. however I recently saw a bargain on eBay and went for it.  Ethan will no doubt move into a size 8 (child) before long.  For about £8 including the postage I got him these three gorgeous Converse numbers!

I think the clear/see through pair are quite unusual and will look really funky with some of his cool socks showing through.  The brown pair hardly look worn at all.  Having three pairs in the same size is a bit overkill.. but they came as a package.  And it gives him some different options!  Quite handy if one pair is dirty as well.. (another thing I love about Converse - you can Chuck (Taylor) them in the washing machine ;-D )

I'm linking this up for Magpie Monday with MissieLizzie.  Why not pop over to her blog to see what all the other bargain hunters have been up to?

Happy Monday all :)


  1. awww wow, i love them all! harry has black ones with flames on but hes now to big for them, were going to get him some after his birthday, hes a size 7 shoe and 2 on thurday! x x

    1. Oh, I know the exact ones you mean, they are very cool! I think Ethan's feet are a little small for his age personally... they've not grown in nearly a year now! x

  2. 3 pairs???!! What a lucky boy.

    Those transparent ones are really cool, I've never seen any like that before. x

    1. They are amazing, aren't they! I'm willing his feet to grow so he can get into them... x

  3. I am so with you. With three boys I am always buying second hand converse off Ebay. They are comfy, funky and like you say you can throw them in the machine.
    Love, love your selection.

    1. Thank you! They are, in my opinion, THE BEST SHOES!

  4. lovely finds! You can never have enough shoes for children :)

  5. Excellent find! Well worth finding some storage space for!

    I'm going to be looking for Converse trainers on eBay for my little boy now.

    1. Yup, definitely! Hope you manage to find some Converse bargains! x

  6. Excellent find! Well worth finding some storage space for!

    I'm going to be looking for Converse trainers on eBay for my little boy now.

  7. Brilliant. I too always have a stash of clothes, ready for both my girls to fit in, I always have. Lucky really I had two girls, so my youngest can now have all of my eldest's cast offs.
    Unfortunately I can't buy shoes off the peg like this I would love to, as I think it's a great idea. They both have really wide feet and high insteps...they usually get a chioce of ONE shoe even in clarks :(

    1. Yay, another clothing stasher!! I actually bought some clothes in age 7 recently... Ethan's not yet 3. I must be mad. I have to start reminding myself fashions change!

      That's a shame about your children's feet.. I'm very lucky with Ethan. Like myself and my hubby, he has very narrow feet. I took him to get measured at Clarks recently and they commented on how well the Converse fitted him, in fact they said they were a perfect fit! Very lucky...

  8. Three pairs for £8! I need to get my ebay on! P.s I LOVE CONVERSE!

    1. They just totally rock. I love them on girls as well. Get on to eBay NOW! There always seems to be way more choice in the smallest children's sizes (4-5).

  9. Wow! What a lucky boy and a savvy mum.I love my red cons and would love my 3 to have a pair each.I must get back to using EBay again.

    1. Oh yes, you must! The red converse are always a fab choice.. they do seem to hold their value though... a bit more than the more wacky ones. Perhaps because they suit everyone!


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