Sunday, 18 March 2012

#SunFun - More Toddlerisms

Grrr.. I just posted this on my mobile and the internet ate it.. let's try again!

Firstly, Happy Mothers Day to the mothers among you. Hope you have a lovely day!

It's time for a Sunday chuckle folks. Last week I enjoyed sharing some of Ethan's little gems so I thought I'd do the same today.. especially as I've been ill all week. We've been nowhere, done nothing and taken few photos to laugh over!

So.. but from the mouth of babes:

"I live in Mummy's bum, but I don't like it!"

"Mummy has a door bum with a door-bum-bell on it which makes bum noises!"

"Once there was a little boy who fell down a toilet. He said help! Mummy! Get me out! I stuck in a toilet!"

"What's happened to that goose? I'm looking up it's bum! It's smelly!'

Well... You can't say he hasn't got the hang of toilet humour!

Don't forget to see what others are linking up for #SunFun this week, over at Actually Mummy's blog!

Happy Sunday!


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