Monday, 20 February 2012

Magpie Monday - duffle coat

When I posted my Trendy Toddler Tuesday entry last week, I received a comment from missielizzie in which she mentioned her linky "Magpie Monday".  I hadn't heard of Magpie Monday before, so of course I was intrigued. It is just up my street.  All I have to do is link up something I've bought second hand.  Not hard for me.. a great deal of what I buy is second hand.

So.. this is my first link up for Magpie Monday and today I'm going to feature my gorgeous yellow duffle coat.

I love this coat.  I bought it on eBay.. yikes. I've just checked the email! Two years ago now!!  It wasn't the most barginous coat I've ever bought, set me back just under £15 but that's still not bad.  Especially as it's been worn for two years now and I'm not bored of it yet!

I think this must have been the coat's first outing- with me anyway!  1st April 2010.

This coat always brightens my mood and receives a lot of compliments.  Also, it's fitted which I love in a duffle coat - they are often quite baggy and I'm not very big height wise.  I hate a coat that swamps me.  Another plus point?  It's washable.  A huge plus when you're carrying around a muddy toddler.  Especially as it's a light coloured coat!

A fantastic second hand bargain that I still love.  The best kind of shopping!

Pop over to see what everyone else is linking up!

Me and My Shadow


  1. Wow that coat is LUSH!!

    I love duffle coats anyway but that sunny yellow can't help but cheer you up surely?

    Absolute bargain for a beautiful coat. Thanks so much for joining in and welcome to Magpie Monday! x

    1. Thank you! I happen to agree, it always makes me feel better when I wear it! x

  2. You look great in that coat.

  3. I love the coat - a cheery, sunny colour and a great price. No wonder you still love it!

  4. You are absolutely right! Once one of my teachers told that clothing can changes our mood even it helps to create our personality so we should wear sensibly. I have same experience like you about one of my outfit. When I wear it I feel much better and comfortable. Truly amazing! Thanks for sharing your experience of 'Magpie Monday' and lots of good wishes for your lovely kid :).
    duffle coats


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