Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Trendy Toddler Tuesday - Retrospective Trendy

Ahhh, I do love a good Trendy Toddler Tuesday link up with Very Busy Mama and her gorgeous Little M.  This meme always lifts my spirits.  I love sharing what Ethan has been wearing and seeing what the other cool toddlers have been strutting around in.

This week we've got more retro clothing, but also some modern numbers with a retro feel.

Dungarees - Little Rascals
Top - Plastisock
Hat - Hjorn Horth 
Slippers - H&M

Ethan's just having a cuddle with Daddy here - get out of the shot Daddy! This is supposed to be about Ethan.. honestly!  Personally, I adore these dungarees.  These have been worn by quite a few members of our family now.  They were first worn by my cousins in the early 70s and passed on to my Mum who put me in them followed by my brother.  They do show wear and tear but considering that Ethan is at least the 5th child to have worn them and considering they are 40 years old, it's not surprising!!  They still feel comfy and Ethan always seems happy to wear them.  The label inside reads "Little Rascals, Canada".  I don't know if they still exist?  My Google search has been inconclusive so far..

Ethan's other items of clothing are modern but I feel have a retro feel to them.

I love this top by Plastisock and Ethan often asks to wear it.  It's bright and fun to wear.  Has lots of pink on it, but it's not girly.

Don't forget to go and see what the other funky toddlers have been rocking!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I love those dungarees! Are they flared? Cute, cute, cute!

  3. I LOVE the Dungarees, the fact they have lasted so long shouts "quality" Fantastic! The slippers are fab to, wish i could get my boys to keep them on their feet xx

    1. Oh, I know, they really must be fantastic quality.. unlike many clothes today..

      Ethan gets really stressy if his slippers come off.. xx

  4. So cute! Love seeing pictures like this.

    1. Why thank you :) Thanks for reading and commenting :) x

  5. Seriously you and little E have got it going on! I adore the fact you have clothing from your childhood - most people would pay big bucks to have retro clothing. Thanks again for joining in and apologies for not stopping by. It's been a very trying few weeks and it all caught up with me now. I may do TTT once a month but will let you know! xx

    1. That's ok! We're going through a rough patch here so I totally understand! X


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