Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Mange tout rodney, mange tout!!!!

I love how children mispronounce words and have their own little sayings.  Ethan's amusing pronunciations and sayings are probably the main source of amusement to me life at present.  He has recently taken to saying "What's occurring Mama, what's occurring?"  He'll pop next to me when I'm making the bed (or some such exciting activity) and say "What's occurring?" and it just gets me.. it's too bloomin' funny!!

Everything with Ethan is "squeaky"  I'm not exactly sure what his definition of squeaky, but he must cast the net pretty wide, because it seems to cover everything from songs on the radio to farts (or bomb noise as he calls them!).  I just adore it.  I'm squeaky, you're squeaky, WE'RE ALL SQUEAKY!

I think the funny pronunciations are the best though.  The one that makes me laugh the most?  The way he says bollard.  It sounds kind of French.  Bo-lard he says.  It's so adorable.  I took a video on my phone... but please excuse my terrible abilities as a film maker.  My phone is new, and I obviously held it the wrong way round for taking a video... my old phone used to like being held a different way to this one.  It gives you the idea though.

What do your children say that makes you laugh?  Do they have a phrase or saying or an amusing mis-pronunciation?  Let me know!


  1. I always remember my son picking up a large branch in the forest and declaring to all passers-by 'I got big dick!'

    Big stick, in case you're wondering....

    1. LOL bless him!! That reminds me that Ethan still says cock for clock. He believes they cock as well, not tock. So we get "Mummy, look at that big cocking cock!" whenever he sees the clock tower in town...

  2. Bless him that's cute never mind funny! My daughter also does the what's occouring? thing. It's my fault though, I watched too much gavin and stacey so I repeated it all the time (sad act!)
    How annoying though, everyday little miss says something that makes me laugh but for nothing can I remember anything now! x

    1. I too blame Gaving & Stacey for What's occurring... that's why I say it sometimes and why Ethan now does.. but it's just so cute!
      It's hard to remember all the funny things they do and say isn't it, there are always so many times during the day where something is funny, but as you say, hard to remember (especially once you've got them in bed and relax!).

  3. Haha Sarah that's hilarious. Alex keeps saying 'yes' really posh at the moment which makes me laugh. For months milk was 'gok' and he wouldn't have it any other way when we tried telling him it wasn't! There are so many things he does that make me laugh I can't remember them!

  4. Gok!! Ethan has called windmills windmilks for as long as I can remember. Nothing will convince him to say otherwise..


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