Monday, 27 February 2012

Magpie Monday - Duplo

Just a quick post today as Ethan is poorly and we're all a little low on sleep.. so I don't have long to type this up, or much energy!

Recently Ethan has got into Duplo.  Whenever we visit his Grandparents (Pete's parents) he'd ask to play with their collection of Duplo (Pete's and his siblings Duplo).  Ethan had a little of his own that he was given a couple of Christmases ago, but he hadn't shown much interest in it before.  Suddenly though, he wanted to play with it. The trouble was, there wasn't really enough to make anything much.  So... I found myself trawling eBay for some Duplo bargains.  It's quite pricey brand new! (and I rather like the older stuff).

I've now bought him two lots of Duplo on eBay that in total have probably cost me around £10.  Not really really cheap, but Duplo seems to hold it's value quite well.  Ethan now has a lot more to play with and gets it out every single day.  He loves making towers, castles, and high chairs (?!) most of all.

Don't forget to hop over to MissieLizzie's blog to see what
everyone else has linked up for Magpie Monday!


  1. Yay! Duplo rocks.

    It is expensive to buy new, but I guess it does last and last. Great eBaying.

    Hope he's better soon, thanks for posting x

    1. It really does! I don't think I had it as a child, but I did have lego - my brother went straight to lego as well, but from really young (well, he just stole mine!). So... it wasn't something I naturally thought of getting for Ethan... but he gets a lot out of it. It really does last. The stuff he plays with at his Grandparents was 2nd hand when they got it in the 80s. He's at least the 6th child to have played with it (and that's not including the children who played with it when hubby's Mum was a child-minder!). x

  2. I love the name of your blog ! really made me smile.

    We used to be duplo mad in this house, we are now onto lego. Never have enough

    Hope the little chap is better soon xx

    1. Why thank you! I know Ethan will be on to lego soon. He has some already.. but it's a bit too fiddly for him at the moment.

      I hope he's better soon as well! Thanks for reading and commenting :)

  3. We love Duplo in this house too! My sister gave us a huge bag of the stuff, and we've had loads of use out of it. Glad you managed to get some from eBay - towers are so much more fun with lots of bricks ;-)

    1. They are, aren't they! I would definitely recommend eBay for Duplo because it really is pricey brand new.. that is if you haven't already got a huge bag of the stuff! I really think Duplo is an investment toy. I can see my Grandchildren playing with it and beyond. Which is comforting I think!

  4. Before you know it you will be in lego man hell like me - I am forever finding decapitated/strangely modified bodies behind the cushions!

    1. Haha.. Ethan was playing with Lego at my parents house today... I know he'll want to move on from Duplo before I know it..


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