Sunday, 26 February 2012

#Sun Fun

It's Sunday, so it's time for some funny.  This is an oldie.  Sometimes, hubby and I make a film together.  As you do. No, you dirty sod, not that kind of film!  This is one we made in 2007 (yikes, 5 years ago!).  Hope you enjoy it, and maybe even chuckle a little.

Don't forget to go over to Actually Mummy's blog (she's hosting this week) to see all the others who've linked up for #sunfun.

Happy Sunday!


  1. Really funny? And how cool you and your hubby done something like that!

    1. Thank you :) We are a little odd like that...

  2. Ha Ha! You and hubby need to make movies together more often!

    1. I know... we will one day, I'm sure! You should check out hubbies blockbuster, Zombie Report. My acting is TERRIBLE in that. Thankfully I'm only in it for a very short time..

  3. Yup! We did.. inspired by the book which we found at my parents house.. it's quite an amusing read!

    Now, don't forget to do your dishes!


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